Black-owned Brand #9: Kromanti Rum

Kromanti Rum 


Kromanti Rum is a UK-based rum brand and it is the brainchild of rum enthusiast and mental health expert Cashain David. The brand pays homage to Julian Fedon and Kromanti Kojo. 

Fedon, the son of a French jeweller and a free, black former slave. He initiated a revolt in 18th Century Grenada to eradicate slavery and end British Colonial rule. 

Inspired by Kromanti Kojo, a Maroon drummer who was captured during the second Maroon war. Kojo was subsequently exiled to Grenada. Kojo's tenacity and rebellion facilitated the establishment of Maroon communities on the island. 

Kromanti Rum is infused with Caribbean spices, herbs and fruits. Formulated to pay homage to Kromanti history and traditional recipes. Every bottle is made with love, cultural knowledge and a deep understanding of the need for the preservation of connection and community. 

Shop the brand here>> Kromanti Rum official website 


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